16 March 2003

Characters in Attendance: Meridian Tas - Cort Odekirk
Susan Landorff - Jeremy Zimmerman
Laurent d'Villerio - Dan Swope
Brother Peter - Andis
Sil Rana - Jeremy Franklin
Daigoro - Jeremy

The sun rises to find the companions waking slowly after a peaceful night on board their hired ship. It's been the first night uninterrupted for some time and the various members of the party are slow to rise, enjoying the momentary luxury and a companionable breakfast. The ship is heading South by Southwest, the weather is clear and all find places out of the sailor's way to catch up on tasks left undone for too long.

Diagoro's first interest is in his bracelet, once tarnished and old now looking bright and polished as the day it was created. It retains the slight unnatural coolness it has possessed since he arrived on the boat but shows no other properties. Having watched Meridian and Laurant work with their fledgling psychic linking, he decides to try the same with the bracelet and is rewarded with a sense of bonding with the device. Once done, he finds his perceptions expanded, now including an awareness of the water and all the things in and around it. He finds that with some effort he is even able to scan the surface thoughts and emotions of the surrounding water life, to the extent of influencing them to his will if not controlling them outright.

Susan attempts the same with his scissors but makes no discoveries as dramatic as those of Diagoro.

Meridian spends some time talking to the sailors, attempting to get a feel for the mechanics of the ship, a realm into which he has never delved. However, before the conversation can progress beyond the basics he is interrupted by Syrone. Standing before he she offers three books and asks bluntly, "Will you review my work?". Meridian is visible take aback, but quickly recovers, "I'm glad to see you taking an interest again." "As you said, I am the female Adzgar Monitor now."

The conversation quickly moves onto her pointing out things she wishes him to examine in detail; but what is not said states far more than the professional words between them. An offer has been extended and accepted, the careful footwork that has marked their interactions for so long has begun to relax into something more like comfort and perhaps the beginnings of friendship.

Laurent is working with his Trumps, striving still to find a way to make them work as the Library implies they should. While he is absently thumbing through them a single card falls face up on the floor, the event heavy with the feeling of significance. Bending over to retrieve the wayward card Laurent sees it shows a figure over water, surrounded by five swords. He has trouble remembering the old symbolic meanings but he believes this one represents "trouble", an interpretation that matches the unsettling feeling seeing the card gave him. Concerned he moves the top deck and locates Meridian who while visibly trying to be open minded has some trouble accepting the premonition. "Your predicting danger on the boat because you dropped a card?" Laurent concedes the esoteric nature of the warning, but is unable to dismiss his surety that the card was meant to convey meaning. Convinced by Laurent's clear determination, if not by his methods, to at least try and be helpful, Meridian notes that Forecasting is not an unknown Talent and perhaps the card was just his way of manifesting it. Diagoro, who has been distracted from his meditations by the conversation makes the suggestion that as the cards have been created in the Trump style, why not simply use them as a classical Trump deck and see what results. Laurent returns to his room and attempts to do so, with he what he feels to be increasing success.

Sil Rana and Peter spend much of the day in conversation. The content is not revealed to the other companions, but Peter comes out of the talks visible disturbed. An effect talks with Sil Rana seem to have on a number of people.

Landorf's efforts with his scissors are finally rewarded near evening, the vision he had previously returning powerfully. However, instead of ending where it did before, it now continues, with eight women stepping out of the shadows surrounding him, illuminated as if he were a source of light himself. The women are silent, staring stern yet sadly at the slowly rotating Landorf. At first all the Ladies, for their bearing is clearly that of nobility, stand with their hands firmly clasped; then one opens her hands and children appear and run from her. Her presence is the strongest and Landorf can sense the afterimage of a crown upon her, this Lady is, or once was, a Queen. Slowly the process is repeated around the circle, the children and the sense of the crown following each. As he contemplates each, Landorf realizes that each Queen is associated with one of the Items of Power the companions have come to be aware of. With this realization, the Ladies clasp their hands together once more with a snap like thunder, the first sound Landorf has heard since they appeared. Moving with stately grace they back once more into the shadows, leaving him alone in the darkness. Landorf collapses back into awareness on the deck, scissors clutched almost desperately in hands slick with sweat.

Peter, having removed himself from whatever dire words passed between Sil Rana and himself, moves to the prow of the ship and attempts to apply his fledgling wayfinder talent to their journey. The group can hear his rhythmic praying, and the slightly hysterical edge does nothing to inspire their confidence.

Thoughts triggered by some notes he read in Syrone's books, Meridian attempts to contact Anna the Librarian through his crystal. Almost surprised by his own success Meridian sees her face in the lense and hears her prompt "Yes? How may I help you?". Fumbling past shock, Meridian asks her if he may use the crystal to access the Library and it's texts. Anna seems amused that he was unaware of the capability and proceeds to run him through the simple procedures involved. Meridian immediately begins to research the history and capabilities of the other items, working with Susan's visions to figure out which Queen matches to which items and running searches based on that information.

The list is interesting, the capacities of Meridian's crystal are already known. Sil Rana's ring provides empathy with people and surroundings. Landorf's scissors enhance natural magical ability. Diagoro had already divined the ability of his bracelet to allow the user to commune with the sea and it's inhabitance. Lastly Peter learns that his horse allows the user to find locations they are searching for. Syrone and Laurent appear to have none of the items of power.

The remaining items are also researched, the group feeling that their capacities should be known in case they find themselves in opposition to one or more of them. The hand mirror increases the charisma of it's user and casts glamors. Landorf's visions lead him to believe it currently lies in a land peopled by only women, lying on the day mirror of a rich Lady of some import amongst them.

The circlet enhances the warfare ability of it's bearer and appears to currently be housed in a keep flying a blue and white banner. The banner is familiar to some of the companions as attached to various enemies. No one is happy to see an item of such power in their hands.

Lastly the trident pin is seen on a young woman, harvesting clams deep underwater. Understandable as the ability to breath such is it's power.

Meridian spends the rest of the day researching and working on his mathematics. He locates some items of interest. Firstly that the Creative Force he has been assuming is recorded and named the "Pattern". Whether this is a loci of some sort or a tool for it's use it unclear. He also discovers that this Pattern has a counter-loci known as the "Logrus"; but the information on this is scant. One of the primary tools for using the Creative Force, or Order, is a device known as the Jewel of Judgement. However this device was apparently dropped in a place called the Abyss and most records seem to feel it lost.

Meridian also discovers that he can use the crystal to transcribe text into book in the library, saving him not only time but instantly adding their contents into the wealth of data that can be accessed via the crystal. After some false starts finding the proper mind-set for such things he is able to transcribe both his current journals and the books Syrone passed to him for review.

Not one for idleness, Sil Rana approaches Syrone about teaching her the basics of defending herself. While initially wary of his motivations, Syrone agrees and by the end of the day has made progress. While she will not be a warrior any time soon, the time together relaxes their mutual tension and harmony returns to the companions.

Peter spends the afternoon and evening on the prow, willing his wayfinding into action. Landorf works in his cabin, attempting to create wards to hold whatever dangers may await the group at bay. Laurent works with his cards, exploring his new scrying talent and attempting to divulge meaning from the frustratingly vague cards.

Diagoro dozes in the crows nest, his mind linked with the waters around him. Gradually his light dreams become something more intense and the cross from slumber to vision is made. The ranger finds himself rolling in a grassy clearing with a great wolf, larger than any he has ever seen before. While his initial reaction is alarm, before he can act that fear is replaced with the clear sense of merriment, the wolf is no threat to him and his talent can read the animal's joy at his presence.

After some time of wrestling and play, he rises and allows the wolf to show him about the great forest he finds himself in. The wolf is happy to do so, showing him spots good for hunting and water, small hidden places of safety and good trails where the running is swift and sure. The wolf does not seem to care where they go, his foremost though the pure joy in Diagoro's presence.

On a thought Diagoro asks to be taken to Amber and the wolf complies, not seeming to find the request at all strange. They come to the edge of the great woods, and in the distance Diagoro can see a single tall mountain with a castle on it's flank, water on the far edge of the peak can just be seen.

Eventually Diagoro realizes that he must return, although the dream forest seems strangely comfortable to him. A home he never realized he missed. When informed of his departure the wolf is immediately distraut, insistant that he stay, crying mournfully when denied. Diagoro promises that he will return, and soon, and fades into more conventional sleep.

Morning finds the companions well rested but there is a clear tension on the ship. Today marks the day where the brave crew moves beyond the boundaries marked as safe. If Laurent's predicted trouble is to come, today is the day it will most likely appear.

Syrone attempts to rope others into her sparring with Sil Rana. Her first victim is young Peter who has much trouble explaining to the strongly motivated Syrone that his inability to fight is by choice, not lack of capacity. Syrone remains frustrated, feeling Peter makes himself vulnerable for no legitimate reason, but eventually accepts the monk's decision. Her mood is somewhat mitigated when Meridian is more easily swayed and joins in their sparring.

After a few hours their practice is stalled by the calling of the lookouts, dark clouds have been sighted on the horizon and the crew moves to lock the ship down for storm runnings. Both Peter and Diagoro are sent to the captain, hoping that their respective abilities will help her keep the course, if not reduce the intensity of the storm itself.

The storm itself is everything the Captain promised and most of those who can quickly go downstairs to avoid the risk of being swept to sea. Only Peter, Diagoro and Meridian stay topside. The first two to maintain the ships course and Meridian to hold the wheel. After a full day of misery the skies clear and the sodden band are allowed to assess the damages. They are significant, the front mast is gone and two sailors were lost in the winds and waves, but given the accomplishment, the crew considers themselves lucky.

The relaxation is short lived however, as a new trial rapidly presents itself. This in the form of strange barriers that block the ship. They can not be seen and sense to Landorf and Laurent's mystical and mental senses and a strange "lack of existence". However, the companions working together are able to get a feel for their shape and placement and the ship spends most of the day steering around and between them.

Peter's work with his wayfinding begins to bear fruit by the middle of the day and the ship finds the barriers suddenly gone, the sailing smooth and the weather kind. The toll on Peter is significant but his perseverance is strong and with the aid of whales summoned by Diagoro to break a path through the water for the ship, considerable progress is made and most of the ship turns thankfully to their beds. Unknown to them, these were the last moments of peace this ship and her crew would ever know.

The following morning is clear, Peter is near exhaustion, but still works on the prow. The first warning that all is not well is when the whales summoned by Diagoro's power veer off and head for deeper water. Their reasons are vague, Diagoro still mastering his interpretations of their strange thoughts. "Big..darkness coming..many tentacles."

He has time to shout a warning down to the others from the crows nest and begin his way down before the first massive tentacle rises over from the waves and over the deck. Even warned the companions can do little more than save themselves and each other. The great suckered limbs of the creature and too many to be numbered and despite their best efforts with blades the ship is soon fully in it's grip and groaning under the stress. Sil Rana, rapidly realizing that the fight was hopeless unless the monster itself could be attacked follows the tentacles to their source, swimming to the beast's head several yards under the waves. There he brings the battle to the beast directly, striking it's eyes and eventually forcing it's retreat.

But the battle was not without it's casualties. In it's rage at the damage done to it by Sil Rana, the beast has damaged the ship beyond repair and it is rapidly sinking. The companions and remaining sailors prepare for the inevitable while Meridian keeps the ship pointed at the land that can be distantly sighted, hoping to gain what little distance can be made before all must enter the water.

It is scant moments before all find themselves in the waves, clutching to whatever they can for support in the water. Diagoro is able to commune with the surrounding creatures and a number of huge sea turtles are amiable to dragging the party to shore. The day is spent this way, clinging to the backs of their massive rescuers, dragging themselves up the beach to collapse on the sands and sleep until morning.

Of the entire crew of the brave ship, only the captain remains with them.

Morning dawns with an almost mocking clarity. The companions are happily surprised to discover that the horses all managed to swim ashore as well. The Captain has departed in the early hours, the group can only hope that she understands that her sacrifice held meaning for not just herself, but all the peoples of the Provinces.

People are sore and progress slow, but by mid-morning the group has more or less put itself back together and is ready to depart. Where to depart too becomes the relative question. Brother Peter has spent some time examining the area and from the plant and wildlife feels that they were successful in reaching his homeland. Susan's magics are up to the task of locating the nearest town and all head in that direction. As they grow closer Brother Peter becomes excited, not only are they in his homeland, but the small city they are approaching is none other than that of his patron the Hawkins. It is only later that he realizes that returning home means explaining to those left behind that the majority of this once bustling town will never do so.

Approach to the town is careful but open, the area itself is noticeable quiet. People look at the group from behind closed doors and drawn curtains. It is only as they reach the center of the city that a few brave individuals come up to them asking if they have returned from the Festival "Where are the others, has war come into the land?". All heads turn to Peter, these are his people and it is his right to tell them what has come to pass, but he is unable to speak and simply rides on. Meridian's training will not let him remain silent, he states simply, "There has been a terrible tragedy in the Glade. We are all that return, all that will be returning." With that he turns and follows Peter. The townfolk simply look on with shock, later there will be questions, but for now there is simply the confirmation of their deepest fears.

The group wanders for a bit, somewhat shell shocked at such a visceral reminder of the ramifications of the events of the Glade. Eventually Sil Rana reminds Brother Peter that he is now, in fact, Lord Hawkins and the Castle that over looks the city is his by right. Peter looks like this is the last place he has any desire to go, but accepts the wisdom of the choice and the group enter the keep. Meridian once more takes up the job of updating the two remaining servants of the new status of things and after a flurry of fainting the new Lord Hawkins is settled in the keep.

The party spends the rest of the day getting resupplied and taking some leave in the town. Peter announces that a meeting will be called in the town square that evening where details on the happening in the glade will be provided. Syrone comes to Meridian and mentions that the Wayfinder Zandrene they met in norther Adzgar is somehow here in town and well. Meridian remains somewhat suspicious of her but recognizes their need for an experienced Wayfinder. He requests that Syrone feel out how willing she might be to them hiring her, especially given that they have the financial resources of House Hawkins now to back them. Syrone is dubious, apparently Zandrene holds the companions in less than high regard, but agrees to at least explore the possibility.

Meridian spends the rest of the day working up the paper work to make Peter's inheritance official, there is little to be done as the previous Monitor had already provided the proofs of inheritance required.

Evening falls and the villagers gather in the square. Peter is there to meet them, Meridian standing behind and to one side in his Monitor regalia, adding an official tone to Peter's otherwise striken demeanor. However, as he addresses the people, telling them of the events of the Glade his presence expands and it is not longer quite so unbelievable that this waif-like man may indeed be the child of a Noble house. The crowd is striken, but there is a certain tragic sense of relief. At least the truth is now known, as bad as it is, at least the wondering is over; and Peter has returned to them. In the midst of tragedy hope is discovered and the townfolk rally to Brother Peter as their new Lord.

Sleep comes slowly to everyone that night, the town has given face to events they had managed to keep abstract for a time. Diagoro visits his friend wolf in the forest of his dreams again and spends his night discovering the secret places of the land of his visions.

The next morning the group finishes preparations, they can afford to waste no time here and must find their way to Amber. Sil Rana takes some time to meet with Tetter, the ranger that was sent here from the Glade. He reports little that they have no already learned but is anxious to join the companions and their quest. Syrone leaves early to find and attempt to hire Zandrene. She is easily located and almost eager to speak, particularly if the subject relates to Syrone's shifting ability. "Have you heard of Telrethra? It is where our kind gather", "There is a full city of us?" "Yes, would you like to see it?" Zandrene's questions weave an almost seductive web around Syrone, who clearly longs for more information about her kind. Information dangled enticingly before her by the wordly Wayfinder. However, her loyalty, so recently confirmed, is not so easily dismissed, "Amber first, then, we shall see."

Syrone brings the Wayfinder to meet with the others. When asks about Amber she mentions that she has heard of the land in passing and feels she could Wayfind there, for the right price. A brief trip to Lord Peter's treasury reveals the price more than easily met and Zandrene joins the companions. Most suspect her interests lie more with Syrone than the task the group present to her, but whatever her goals the results are the same and it is a risk the companions are willing to accept.

Riding out of the city, the group is stopped by Landorf as he reactes to a small blond man. Looking over, Sil Rana realizes that the man wears a ring bearing the device of his enemy. Taunting words are exchanged between Sil Rana, Landorf and the man but he soon ducks into the crowd, the presence of the companions turning the odds decidedly against him. They continue on for a time, and Landorf reveals that he knows the man from a hunting trip where he saw him and a robe engulfed man engaging in some strange sorcery that transformed an otherwise healthy stag into white dust.

Sil Rana, adding this to some dark history of his own, decides that they can not leave without attempting to question him more. Meridian uses his crystal to find the man and they return to the Inn where the man has settled for drink. Sil Rana confronts him on what Landorf revealed but the man mockingly claims no knowledge. Sil Rana tells him that he is never to step foot into Paris and leaves.

"You should have simply killed him Sil Rana." Meridian mentions as they depart. "That is not how we do things." is his short reply. "Then you leave an evil to continue it's work.." the Monitor begins but sees the Ranger is not to be swayed in this and drops the subject.

The companions travel for the rest of the day southward, towards mountains that seem to strangely shrink as they approach them, evidence of Zandrene's art. The evenings camp is uneventful and travel begins again early the next day. The strange shifting of the scenery is more obvious today and by the afternoon they are suddenly in a forest of vast purportions. Diagoro is immediately estatic, this is the forest of his dreams and he beckons the group to follow him as he takes a path through the trees. Zandrene is mildly annoyed at the interruption but shrugs her indifference and the group follows the quick moving Ranger.

Before long Diagoro is lept apon by a giant wolf and combat is only narrowly avoided as he leaps up to claim the beast as friend, naming him as "Tracker". The companions are dubious, but have seen far to many strange things to be daunted by much. Following Diagoro and now his wolf companion they eventually come to a clearing filled with an encampment of 40 or so men, all of whom appear to be sleeping. Meridian attempts to approach one and is stopped several feet beyond the encampment by a strange barrier. The others cautiously try as well and all are repelled except Diagoro who is able to enter without resistance.

He is unable to awaken the men, but in the leader's tent he finds a white scroll wrapped in a golden cord. Opened, the scroll names the men as the Rangers of Arden and claims they were the men of Prince Julian, who sealed them here for the use of his ancestor who would come to claim them. Clearly this ancestor is Diagoro, although even he is at a loss as to how they may be awakened and after a time he joins the rest of the group and they return to the trail to Amber.

Pausing the group a little later for one more side trip, Diagoro reaches into an otherwise normal looking tree and pulls out a cache of weapon, all of esquisite quality. All but Peter are re-armed with these superior blades and arrows.

Eventually the trail ends and the companions see Amber for the first time, the castle high on the side of Kolvier, the town itself spread across it's base and sides. The pace picks up, the end of their quest could be near and the companions are anxious to see it's climax. The town itself is in good keep, but filled with sleeping figures, much as the clearing holding the Rangers were. The effect continues to the castle itself, where the guards lie sleeping at their posts.

The group moves in and begins to explore. There is some sign of conflict, broken furniture and small craters in the stone walls, but nothing that would explain the condition of the inhabitance. Finally, as they enter the main hall a fickering image appears and addresses them. It identifies itself as Lord Henden, Steward to the King of Amber, and goes on to explain that there was a horrible accident and the Princes and Princessess of Amber stabilized the Pattern and it's reality with their own blood. He claims they also sealed Amber itself until their descendants returned. He provides the basic layout of the Castle and states that the Princes and Princesses of Amber are in the Chamber of the Pattern, cautioning us that we may awaken only one. The image of the small well dressed man then flickers and begins again, fading once the companions step away.

At this point the sound of voices are heard in the nearby corridor. Wondering whom besides themselves may be active in the castle the group rushes into the hallway. They suddenly find themselves face to face with two men, and it would be hard to say which group is the more surprised.