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Cast - Kage

[pronounced KAH-gay]
Son of Caine
Marquis of Carabas, Marquis of Carabas, Earl of Laris, Head of Caine's Daggers, King of Yoru no Tochi
Member of Caine's Daggers
"I sometimes fancy myself an evil which exists to oppose other evils. I destroy Melkins when I find them, and on that Great Day of which prophets speak but in which they do not truly believe, on that day when the world is completely cleansed of evil, then I, too, will go down into darkness, swallowing curses. Perhaps even sooner than that, I now judge. But whatever... Until that time, I shall not wash my hands nor let them hang uesless."
-Corwin, The Guns of Avalon
Known Abilities
Ninja healing. Evil shadow magics.


  • Sought out a magic sword, because that whole "seeking out powerful magic items in Shadow" deal was working out really well for his two cursed cousins.
  • Repented his evil ways to get a magic sword. Decided that being (literally) a golden beacon of goodness and light sucked. So he sold his soul again, and came out even worse.
  • Ate a Lord of Chaos without realizing it. Puked said Lord of Chaos back up.