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Cast - Morgance

Morgance as Dr. Fate

Morgance as the Manx
Daughter of Deirdre
Constable of Amber City
Current incarnation of Doctor Fate
Formerly the masked protector of Arvada, CO, known as the Manx
"There's no difference between me and everyone else. All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."
- The Joker in Alan Moore's A Killing Joke
Known Abilities
Whippy. Jedi Powers. Lightsaber. Mantle of Doctor Fate.


  • Fought in a giant, trans-dimensional superhero throwdown and all she got was a lousy symbiotic costume.
  • Assembled a mighty army of superheroes from different realities and included the Tick.
  • Defeated Lex Luthor in a game of Monopoly.