Dreaming in the Real
Game Log: 11.21.99, Session 7
GM: Cort Odekirk

Characters in Attendance:
Dalen [Kath]
Ambassador Lentaro Dojangi (Len) [Jeremy Z.]
Maladin [Jeremy F.]
Rhyss [Joanna]

When last we saw our intrepid adventurers ...

Save for Aaron, who is busy in Shadow Earth trying to piece New York City back together, everyone is in Amber sleeping soundly for a change. Rhyss is at the White Rose. Lentaro is at the Tellurian Embassy. Maladin and Dalen are in their respective rooms at the Castle.

It's a bright, fresh, new day with no mistakes in it ... yet.

Lentaro contacts Rhyss, and asks her to come to the Tellurian Embassy. He then contacts Dalen, and asks her the same. Dalen has some business she wants to take care of first at the Castle, then she will come to the Embassy.

Dalen talks to Gerard about the newest of prisoners -- the one captured by Maladin and Aaron in Shadow Earth -- and asks to be present at the "interview". He says that he doesn't see a problem with it, but she'll have to clear it with Fiona first (as she's the one who will do the interviewing) and suggests leaving a note, as the Princess is still in Helmwind.

Random Trumps Maladin regarding the holding of Neechen Cho under "suspicion". As it was Aaron who wanted the Lord held, and there is reason to believe that someone is trying to frame House Cho (or divert inquiry into that august House), Maladin suggests that Random do whatever is needed to secure troops for the campaign against the Moonriders in Helmwind -- if that means releasing Cho, so be it. At this point, House Cho is unwilling to levy troops for Amber's cause while their Lord is under arrest.

Dalen walks to the Embassy after her talk with Gerard. Lentaro asks Dalen about the "turtle" thing (i.e. Dalen's ability to fully shapeshift). He also asks for assistance in contacting the person behind the image of Neechen Cho in the Trump which had been left on Lentaro's bed. Dalen and Rhyss have both consented to assisting. Len Trumps Maladin, and asks the same. Maladin consents and is brought over. While the Ambassador explains to his friend what is going on, one of the Aides of the Embassy brings them all refreshments -- Dalen takes a cup of tea. Lentaro then Trumps Caine, who isn't answering, and then tries for Random's assistance. Random pulls all of the group through to the castle so Len can explain just *why* the King is needed to lend his power to this contact. Random decides that it wouldn't be a politically correct move to help with this project -- as they have no idea who is behind the card or, truly, why it was left for Lentaro to find. There are other options available, the King says. Perhaps a Trump artist could see behind the image, or at least recognize whose work it is.

While this discussion is going on, Dalen notices that her body is compensating for an inimical substance in her tea. She looks carefully at the teacup to see if it was the rim which was tainted or the tea itself, and determines that the substance seems to be in the tea. She quietly gives the information, as well as the teacup, to Lentaro and they head back down to the Embassy. Maladin remains behind to speak to Random in private.

At the Tellurian Embassy, Lentaro, Rhyss and Dalen trace back the source of the tea. It was purchased from the usual vendor, in the usual fashion. Len decides to try to find out what happened using sorcery, and Rhyss assists.

Dalen takes that hour and visits the White Rose for some spare sets of clothing, and lunch.

Tracing back the tea's movements (from the point of view of the teacup), Len and Rhyss have discovered that a nondescript person wearing the typical Embassy servant's garb took a vial out of his pocket, dabbed the inside of each teacup set out, and then left. Upon questioning, the other servants remember seeing the man, but couldn't say where he had come from or where he went.

Lentaro contacts Caine and they discuss the Trump of Neechen Cho. The Prince suggests that Fiona might be the best choice to look for what is really behind the portrait, but if she can't help, he'll assist. Len thanks him, and contacts Fiona. She says she's currently busy in Helmwind, but if the Ambassador doesn't mind a delay, she can certainly take a look. Len passes the Trump to her, and they close contact.

Dalen suggests to Lentaro that maybe his "people" should be looking at another Great House which is already implicated in some odd doings -- House Kraven. They have been hiring a large number of Wayfinders to go back and forth to Telluria -- a circumstance which is highly irregular, as that Shadow has nothing to set up commerce for (besides analgesics, poisons, etc.). She tells Len where she got her information, and lets him know that, as far as it goes, her source is reliable.

Maladin contacts Dalen, letting her know he's returning to Helmwind. She has business of her own there, and asks if she can join him on the trip. They discuss the current situation with the Ghenesh, and their plans to aid the Oleai while they travel.

Back at the Embassy, Lentaro sends out some people to check on House Kraven.

Rhyss is contacted by Lore. He has a simply HUGE project that absolutely MUST be done by tomorrow ... and could she be a dear and help him with it? A rather large family commissioned separate portraits of each member, and they need to be completed. Rhyss agrees to assist.

In Helmwind, Maladin begins preparation for the war which begins tomorrow. Dalen repeatedly tries to contact High Inquisitor Theron, who has something which she was supposed to have received weeks ago. Unfortunately, he is not accepting Trump calls.

It is late evening back in Amber, the clock strikes eleven. Lentaro is awakened from a sound sleep by the yell of "FIRE!!" A group of five people wearing the white armor of the Moonriders are starting fires throughout the city, and the Embassy is one of the buildings being put to the flame. Len helps put out the fire at the Embassy, then goes after the arsonists by hurling a bolt of magical energy at them, knocking a few of them over. However, before Len can follow that up, he's jumped by a group of six people who were hiding in the shadows. They look like your regular Amber city members ... nothing unusual, except for the fact that they're trying to capture the fuzzy Ambassador. Lentaro knocks them away and runs! They give chase, and another figure emerges from the shadows ... a single man who throws a spell at Lentaro, covering him in a sticky mass of clinging webbing. Len starts to tear free of the webbing, but the man shoots another spell at him ... one that turns his bones to gelatin. Len collapses to the ground, unable to gain purchase without a strong bone structure. The man gloats over his catch ...

... when to his surprise he's hit hard from behind! He had forgotten that the arsonists were behind him, also chasing after Lentaro. The man, whom Lentaro surmises is Lady Karma's boss, finds that his catch is being taken away from him. The man, Niro, tells the Moonrider in charge that he has an agreement with the leader of that community. The Moonrider doesn't know anything about any agreement, but if Lentaro is wanted so badly by Niro, then they'll just appropriate him as he must be valuable. As the Moonrider is holding a flame throwing contraption in his hand, the nozzle pointed at Niro's face, Niro decides that this particular contest has been lost. He lets the Moonriders have Lentaro.

Three of the Moonriders carry Len away, one on each arm and another toting his legs. After ten minutes or so, the gelatinous bone spell wears off and Lentaro is able to use his limbs again -- though his captors seem to have not noticed this. When a time of suitable distraction appears, Lentaro pulls his arms together, slamming his captor's heads each into the other. With his arms now free, he grabs the fellow at his feet by the head and caves in his face with a fist. The other two groggily run away. Lentaro Trumps Maladin, and is brought to Helmwind.

Maladin looks at the sticky, grimy mass that is his friend, and indicates that a wash may not be a bad thing. Len goes off to do so. Dalen stops by Maladin's tent to ask if he's ready to try to contact Galen, Sh'shari's second in command. Maladin says he's almost ready, but he needs to do something first. He goes to Benedict to inform him of what is going to be attempted (in broad terms), and asks if the Prince knows of any "neutral ground" in the area. Benedict has a tent set up, and guards to keep the place secure. Random thanks him, and then heads out. He Trumps Random and fills him in (likewise in broad terms).

Meanwhile, Lentaro comes back from cleaning webbing from his fur, and finds Dalen waiting for Maladin. She explains what is going to happen, and asks if Len is up to assisting. They also decide to see if Rhyss is available to keep a Trump contact open, so if something goes wrong she can pull them out expeditiously. Lentaro tries to Trump Rhyss, but the contact is blocked. Dalen adds her oomph (what little there is of it) to the contact, and it starts to push through but then is squashed again.

Meanwhile, Rhyss is still at Lore's holdings ... working on a boatload of Trump portraits. She feels the contact trying to come through, and stops working. Lore asks what the matter is, and she tells him. "How odd," he says, and pauses to consider. "It seems to be gone now, whatever it was." Sure enough, it's gone. Rhyss excuses herself to get a breath of fresh air, and heads outside. Once there she tries Trumping Lentaro ... as he's one of the few people who would have had her Trump to try a contact. She agrees to keep a contact on Lentaro while the discussion goes on.

Now that everyone's ducks are finally in a row, they head to the tent which has been set up. Dalen takes out her Trump of Galen and makes contact. He's a bit nonplussed to see that its her, but is willing to talk ... later. He says he's in the middle of something at the moment. Maladin recognizes just where Galen is ... and it's in the dungeons of Castle Amber. Dalen says that later is fine, but not too much later, as there is a war which is starting in the morning. It seems that that is news to Galen, and Maladin lets off a silent groan that Dalen spilled those particular beans. Ooops! They close contact after Dalen says she'll talk to him in a few hours.

Maladin Trumps Gerard to tell him about the jail break which is in progress, but the contact isn't going through. He then Trumps Benedict who tells Maladin to contact Gerard. Dalen Trumps Fiona to tell her what is going on, and that they can't reach Gerard. The Princess digs out a Trump, closes audio contact with Dalen, and proceeds with her other conversation. When that's over, she reopens audio with Dalen and says that Gerard will now take calls. She closes her connection.

Maladin tries Gerard again, and sure enough it goes through. Gerard says that he knows all about the Moonriders in the dungeon ... but it would be easier to show rather than explain. He pulls everyone through to Amber, including Rhyss who was still in contact with Lentaro. The intruders were able to spring one prisoner, but the one who was captured in Shadow Earth is still incarcerated. It is obvious in retrospect that the attacks in the city were a diversion to draw the guards away from the castle, making it easier for the Moonriders to get to the people in the cells. The Castle guards were able to stop them from getting away totally, but the damage had already been done -- the armory where all the guns had been stored was slagged; totally melted down. The intruders had been given very accurate information as to where the captives were being held, where the armory was and what the movements of the guards were. A name is silently spoken by the collective group ... Lore.

If they only had some proof ... they could nail his hide to the wall.

Rhyss returns to Lore's to complete the project. Maladin contacts Benedict and lets him know that the enemy now knows that the Amber forces will be attacking in the morning. Benedict is quietly less than pleased.

Lentaro and Dalen walk to the White Rose. The Inn had been one of the buildings targeted by the arsonists, and it had sustained some damage. They have a drink at the bar, and Lentaro is Trumped. Dalen gives Lentaro some backup support with the contact, and it's a man who she hasn't seen before, but doesn't like the look of. Len recognizes him as the man who tried to capture him earlier. The man wants to speak to Lentaro privately, and the Ambassador uses one of the private rooms of the Inn to have his conversation. Dalen follows quietly and listens at the door.

Rhyss finishes up with the portraiture, and returns to her room at the Rose. Raphaella Trumps her with news of something most peculiar. The artist had taken an arm from one of the many body pieces which had been lying around after the battle in Florimel's hallway ... and had incorporated it into the sculpture she was currently working on. Usually when a piece is completed it opens a gateway to Hell, she explains, but this one opened a gateway to someplace "dead." Raphaella thought it was an interesting development, and since it was Rhyss' arm (so to speak, in an odd twisted way), Raphaella thought that she would like to know.

Lentaro finishes his conversation with Niro, and meets back up with Dalen at the bar (she left before she could be caught eavesdropping), where she has a quiet, brief, nervous breakdown. They head upstairs to the Salle to try to contact Galen again. On the way they knock on Rhyss' door to see if she wants to be in on this. She agrees to keep contact again. Maladin also joins the group upstairs, and the contact is again attempted.

Galen talks with the three of them, and Dalen asks him what he wants ... what the Oleai want? She tells him what she wants to accomplish -- the enabling of the Oleai to live within Shadow. He wants for them to be able to rebuild their civilization, to reclaim that which was taken from them. Galen tells them that while he, himself, is interested in other methods besides war to gain an end, there are many who follow Sh'shari and want the war, and Amber's annihilation badly. Maladin lets him know that in order to know if the plan will work, they'll need a test subject ... Galen says he'll contact the group again in a half hour.

Lentaro and Rhyss talk quietly. Maladin and Dalen talk quietly about the technology involved (gained through Telluria -- as they're the only Amber "friendly" technologically advanced Shadow they have contacts with), where they'll get the genotyping to "fix" the Oleai (from Dalen's DNA). Maladin contacts Random, and gives him the information on what is being tried ... and he agrees to allow the group (i.e. Maladin) to dangle the carrot of Golden Circle membership to the Tellurians in exchange for their technological assistance. Random needs to know what the Oleai want ... where they want to rebuild their "civilization".

A half an hour passes, and Galen Trumps Dalen. He has a volunteer to be a "test subject" -- a young man named Teran. Maladin asks Galen where he wants to rebuild. The reply is Helmwind, right in Amber's back pocket; where they can keep an eye on their traditional enemies. Teran is sent through the Trump, and Dalen says she'll contact Galen as soon as there is news.

Rhyss and Lentaro work on getting images of those Len needs to contact from his mind ... then he and Maladin talk for a bit before the Maladin returns to Helmwind.

A war should be starting, any time now.

To be continued December 5th, at 2:00 PM ...