Aaron Erin

Younger son daughter of Florimel, brother sister of Lore.

Trump by Cort Odekirk
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Known Abilities

Advanced Pattern, at least 1st in Psyche
Suspected Abilities
Exalted Petulance.
  • Known for infrequently stuffing his face with sweet rolls.
  • Seems to try to kill his character at least once a session.
  • Earned a "You're right." from Fiona.
  • Checked everyone's favorite fuzzy ambassador into a very human hospital.
  • Dodged orbital lasers.
  • Sufficiently messed with shadow enough to turn himself, and Maladin, into 3 foot tall fuzzy bunnies.
  • Earned raised eyebrows from Benedict.
  • Died on the Pattern, but lived on in a Pattern Sword.
  • Became an unwitting pawn of the Gourd of Fiona.
  • Did severe damage to the star system that housed Telluria's Broken Pattern, including making the sun go nova.
  • Brought Len's ex-girlfriend back from the dead.
  • Used the Fiona Gourd to unwittingly make himself a new body. A female body, but still a new body.
  • Devised the plan that healed the Bright Pattern.
Webmaster Commentary
Aaron embodies the finest qualities of your typical scion of Amber and son of Flora: he's petulant, spoiled, and considers himself somehow better than everyone else. Shining from underneath this ersatz veneer of power is an unwavering degree of loyalty towards Amber, and an uncanny ability to drag himself out of all the scrapes he manages to get himself into.
Current Status
Recruiting people to join him at his new home at the Fire Pattern.
Aaron's Journal, Reader's Digest Condensed Version
  • Part One: Aaron's commentary on Lentaro, the banquet, the Pattern-sucking zombie, and Calisera's tits.
  • Part Two: Aaron learns of Dalen's visions, has breakfast with his mother, goes to a tea party, and plots scanning Len.
  • Part Three: Aaron nearly kills himself tinkering with the Pattern, contemplates Elemental Patterns, and plots a trip to Rebma.
  • Part Four: Aaron discovers the Fire Pattern and contemplates Dalen's plans for dealing with the Moonriders.
  • Part Five: Aaron almost gets turned into a Pattern-sucking zombie, and gets quite cross after Dalen accidentally tries to destroy the Pattern.
  • Part Six: Aaron nukes 50,000 people in New York, feels terrible angst about his botched trip to New York, and has a bad idea.
  • Part Seven: Aaron has a bad dream while fixing New York.
  • Part Eight: Aaron gets pouty about being chewed out by Random, belittles Dalen, and contemplates Clarrissera.
  • Part Nine: Aaron ponders the events of the Christmas Special.
  • Part Ten: Aaron's reflections on recent experiments and the attack by the Oleai on the Tellurian space station.
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