Tag Archives: conventions

State of the Honeydew

At the Wayward trying to write this morning, but having trouble focusing. Figure I’ll review my to-do list and see what needs my attention.

Part of what I’ve been doing is just hitting some low hanging fruit just to get things off my plate. So, taking stories that are damn near done and getting them done done.

I’ll italicize the items I’ve updated.

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Boxes, a quote, and a melon.

I’m waiting for the Malware scanner to finish on the girlfriend’s PC before I run off to work on my writing. So I have some random thoughts to offer, and a comment on writing progress.

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Lines That Do Death

So, in reviewing my schedule, we determined the easiest spot for me to free up more time would be if I got up at my normal weekday time on the weekend. So I got up at, dear gods, 4:30 this morning to work on my writing. It’s been a slow morning. I’m glad I didn’t go out gaming last night.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to work on next. So this is me talking out loud as I dig through all the stuff I want to submit to and determine the deadlines I’m looking at, while sitting on the couch with a fat and sassy orange cat.

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NorWesCon 2010 After Action Report

So, I had my first real exposure to Norwescon. I’d had limited visits in the past. Several years ago I attended on Thursday only and sat in on, like, one or two panels. (I remember one with Mike Pondsmith, whose words encouraged me to pursue game design. Hm.) Another time I dropped in to have drinks with friends who were attending. And one year I lucked into having a table in the dealer room.

But this was my first year buying a full membership, staying in the hotel and attending a crap ton of panels. So, here is my general commentary on the experience.

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Notes from the front lines.

I feel like a dork. I utterly failed to transition my last post from, “Here’s the anthology I’m in” and “And now about RustyCon.” I could go back and edit it, but it’s populated out to other places, including FB. I have no idea what would happen, and I don’t want to be blamed for crashing the Internets. Those tubes can only take so much strain.

As I mentioned last post, I frantically took notes on my iPhone notepad. I emailed myself the notes, but it’s still just random information. At first my plan was to at least talk about the “calls to action” I felt in the presentation. But it occurs to me that others may find this info useful, so I figured I could dump out my notes and see how much of it makes sense while it’s still fresh in my head.
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I cast magic missile on the darkness.

Crossed Genres has posted pictures of the anthology that I was will appear in. I had gotten a sneak peek a while ago, but fought off the urge to post anything until they had something on their site.

I had a good time. I mostly attended panels either on writing or a couple futurist panels that overlapped with my interests. It seemed like a relatively small convention. If their site is to be believed, it’s not Ambercon-small, but I didn’t honestly see that many people moving about. I may post a more thorough blow-by-blow review, but quickly:
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Goal Setting

It’s been nearly a month since NaNo ended. I have been giving myself a break from the novel after the hectic pace of November. But now that rest period is over, and I’m trying to consider what step to take next. I’ve been working on a short story submission for Crossed Genres, but I want to get back to one of my bigger projects. I spent so much time last year working on short stories that my novel languished uncompleted. But some stuff has come to my attention that I’m considering trying to do. This has resulted in a timeline, which I will put behind the cut.

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